Welcome to #WellcommSPAHotel
We are an opportunity to acquire healthy habits, reconnect with yourself, and feel part of a community in a completely innovative environment.
Mientras aprendemos a vivir en el presente, en Wellcomm Spa & Hotel, te alentamos a abrazar una filosofía desde lo simple y así aprovechar al máximo cada instante. Disfrutar el AQUÍ Y AHORA se convierte en una práctica consciente y nuestras distintas actividades te guían a través de un viaje de calma y autodescubrimiento.
Experience #MEDELLÍN
Located in the Manila neighborhood, El Poblado, we are part of the very essence of the place. Our hotel thrives on its vitality, offering you a complete immersion in the culture and local life. Known as the city's fashion epicenter, Manila is much more than a neighborhood; it's an ever-evolving lifestyle.